Top 37 Unfortunately Placed Ads!
Original List by oddee1000

heart disease burger king
that new female artist
Such a sweet feminine voice.
nestle and dumpster
child mauled by zoo
this is really bad
cheerios golf chick kiss
uh, yeah, that's really unfortunate
our pubic schools
yeah ouch
worst president / obama
hmm, somebody trying to tell us something?
meth and speed
dang jimmy johns
mitt romney nonsolution
Sometimes random algorythms just know...
10. carrot ass buy from 9
carrot ass
11. obama douche buy from 9
obama douche
12. 7 new jobs buy from 9
7 new jobs
Monster fail.
could not connect to translator service
yanni with boobs
women abused/fathers day
starbucks sucks
17. iomega fire buy from 7
iomega fire
not quite kosher
19. whore buy from 6
20. cancer cigs buy from 6
cancer cigs
shameless tricks
22. handle this buy from 5
handle this
bus premonission
sex abuse scandal
Not appropriate or extremely appropriate
manscape on a castration article
don't let them in
mcdonald's and obesity
kitty says hi
29. quit school buy from 3
quit school
national scurvy day
Right next to National Lemonade Day
michael jackson sausage party home alone
brain damaged iq
33. teacher sex buy from 2
teacher sex
folgers heart attack
35. spinach party! buy from 1 A down vote will remove this item!
spinach party!
36. les psychos buy from 1 A down vote will remove this item!
les psychos
37. swimming may be the best form of exercise buy from 1 A down vote will remove this item!
swimming may be the best form of exercise
Score: 0

Anything missing above?? Add it!!

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