Top 10 Speeches At The Conventions!
Original List by ZankRank

1. john mccain buy from 20
how'd he do it?
2. sarah palin buy from 18
sarah palin
charisma personified.
4. barack obama buy from 15
barack obama
rapidly becoming the worst president ever. astounding deficits to pay for shocking bailouts for broken, corrupt companies. disregarding moral foundations about stem cells. threatening to take away free speech (on the radio). the only thing he's done right is start the withdrawal from iraq- don't even know if that was his idea
a great motivator.
funny, smart, powerful.
7. al gore buy from 8
riding a huge wave.
the huckster sure can elicit emotion.
an excellent speaker, an excellent speech.
his presence was louder than his words.
Score: 0

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