Top 7 Parody Twitter Accounts!
Original List by zankrank

The super-wokest woke pusher of wokeness.
Bernie is Bernin down the house!
He Who Shall Not Be Named (of Harry Potter fame) is a force to be reckoned with at Hogwarts and in the Twitterverse. The Dark Lord account has amassed over 2.2 million followers thanks to its witty banter. Some highlights include Quidditch jokes during the Super Bowl and the Bieber commentary below.
Self-described "Evil Orphan Ani" (Anakin conveniently being Vader's real name), this guy sounds more like a passive-aggressive actor than the Lord of the Sith. And it's pretty darn funny. Since the Star Wars franchise was rebooted in 2015, this parody Twitter account has had plenty to talk (or rather, rant) about. From grilling Star Wars fans about their favorite character to reminiscing over some of his most terrible accomplishments on behalf of the Galactic Empire, there's no shortage of content to keep the Twitterverse focused on a galaxy far, far away
5. @aocpress buy from 6
AOC is kind of a parody of herself, but these are fantastic.
Like AOC, Trump is kind of a parody of himself, but sometimes he needs some help.
Elon Musk's escapades as an entrepreneur and marketer are well documented. The PayPal veteran and Tesla executive is known for his visionary ideas, outlandish press conferences, and dynamic relationship with realism. From announcing a high-speed Hyperloop between San Francisco and Los Angeles, to a series of high-profile battles with journalists, Musk is long on vision and short on patience -- which makes him an ideal candidate for a parody Twitter account.
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