ew World and European itineraries (one ship docks in Rio de Janeiro during Carnival). The average ship of the Celebrity Cruises fleet accommodates slightly under 2,000 passengers each. Families with children are welcomed. Overall quality is well above average.
attracts the older, more affluent, and better traveled passenger. Activities, shore excursions and entertainment are sophisticated. Most evenings are formal, but in a relaxed elegant manner. Silversea food and service are admirable.
has age-specific children activities, programs, and facilities, ranging from nursery to teenage. As in Disney World, the staff is immensely friendly. Parents and grandparents will not feel left out. Many facilities appeal to both child and adult - and some are for adults only. Rates are average.
is family friendly and vigorously courts the family market. Its ships are modern and large (some accommodate several thousand passengers). This allows the Carnival Cruise Line to offer a wide variety of activities and facilities to please all ages, from grandparent to four-year old.
has special facilities and activities geared for teens, including teen-only dance clubs, rock-wall climbing, in-line skating, ice skating, volleyball, basketball, and team sports. Teens are grouped by age, 12- to 14- and 15- to 17- years old.