Top 20 Albums Of 2014!
Original List by Austin-100004589436574

seeds - tv on the radio
Their best and one of the best of the decades. Great melodies, experimental sounds, and straight up jams.
alix - generationals
Exploring new sounds and themes, this New Orleans band keeps getting better
they want my soul - spoon
Spoon's first release in four years comes complete with great hooky pop songs and a full, shimmering sound. The anti-religious lyrics are annoying but it's good to have some complete rock songs in this effort.
the absolute greatest hits ever - whacktus
relief - vacationer
Unique fun music... for your vacation
the private world of paradise - wake owl
ritual on repeat - tennis
lost in the dream - the war on drugs
Phenomenal songwriter and way underrated.
survival sounds - rubblebucket
Great indie sound- good songs.
lighght - kishi bashi
evergreen -the broods
Sweet vocals, edgy pop music, and thoughtful lyrics.
fumes - lilly and madeleine
Absolutely gorgeous melodies and voices that make them along with a little more experimental instrumentation.
luck - tom vek
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