1966buy from
"lbj fight - in 1964 lyndon johnson was elected president in what was then the greatest landslide in american history. two years later his popularity was dropping as concerns grew over inflation and the vietnam war. in the early spring of 1966 his approval had dropped to 56 percent, the lowest of his presidency at that point. by june his approval rating had dropped to 46 percent. a pollster asked voters whom they'd prefer in a match-up between lbj and george romney. the result was a near tie, lbj receiving 51 percent to 49 percent for romney. fearful of being blamed for the loss of seats in congress and uneasy playing a role as a partisan president, lbj stayed off the hustings during the fall campaign. in the election republicans won 47 seats in the house of representatives and 3 in the se"
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