Top Ranked worst logos ever by Finley-1551843144 (View Consensus)
1. computer doctor computer doctor
we fix failed hard drives, broken monitors and erectile dysfunction!
2. chinese iconograph chinese iconograph
I don't care what the hell your little Chinese letters are saying, there's nothing that can explain that disgusting image you sick bastards
3. clinica dental clinica dental
Get your teeth cleaned and your sex on!
4. ctc ctc
5. anthony byrne anthony byrne
Is that an icon made out of rounded letter or is that logo just happy to see me?
6. web and graphic solutions web and graphic solutions
I'd hate to see how you solve my graphic problems
7. taylor pork roll taylor pork roll
Cardinal Rule in Design: Never show the manufacture of sausage in your logo. Period.
8. braum's braum's
I would hope you don't make your ice cream hot and fresh!
9. the next good step the next good step
There's a reason why all language is read top to bottom...
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