Top Ranked words by Eric-742550135 (View Consensus)
1. mellifluous
it was her mellifluous grace that made her so sweet.
2. catholic
honor came with self-respect and catholic thoughts.
3. boondoggle
the homemade boondoggle was better equipped than the fancy one at the store.
4. juggernaut
and they threw themselves under the imposing juggernaut.
5. bushy
he woke up feeling bushy.
6. bashed
i bashed my elbow on accident.
7. charisma
he was blessed with great charisma.
8. abreast
i like to keep abreast of the latest developments.
9. googolplex
she was one in a googolplex.
10. terraqueous
there's nothing like a terraqueous view from the balcony.
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