Top Ranked redneck spelling bee words by Finley-1551843144 (View Consensus)
1. twerk: ima have one more beer before i get back twerk. twerk: ima have one more beer before i get back twerk.
2. tarred: ah'm too tarred to go bowlin' nonight.
3. warsh: i'm fixin to warsh my truck later.
4. bowl: i put the burner on hi to bowl the water.
5. retard: my granpaw retard at age 65.
6. soccer: when my sister steals my beer i soccer.
7. far: go out there by the shed n git us sum far wood.
8. cedar: for example, i know she ain't got no panties on cuz i cedar cooter!
9. fiddle: i wonder fiddle get me all the way to the moon.
10. harassment: girl, harassment nothin to me. harassment: girl, harassment nothin to me.
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