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"why would you listen to annoying fools popping gum"? maybe because you force me to with your stupid commercial?? Maybe I listen to music to avoid hearing ridiculous popping of gum and morons' uncontrolled respiratory nonsense and you ruin it with your annoying commercial?
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the home depot
Unimportant content given by an annoying Baby Boomer voice over creepy smooth jazz
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listen to the online music application long enough and you'll get absolutely sick of the redundant Spotify ads they use to fill space because they don't have real advertisers. The same cheesy music and the same too-cool normal people voices telling me how Spotify is the best thing ever. Then you have utter contradictions: "Why should you pay for Spotify premium? Because you won't have to buy music ever again." Yeah, except that I would be buying music every month through Spotify Premium. ???
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taco cabana
With so ostensibly hot latina looking at me accusatorially and spouting high-pitched and very nasally food specials, it's really annoying.